Seeking Words How To Decrease Stress

1. Identify the real cause of stress.

2.     Once a month, stressful events should be recorded and examined.

3.     It is important to remember and compare your responses to each stressful incident.

4.     Always take a moment to reflect before responding to difficult situations.

5.     Ask your inner man, or mind, for a solution if there is any stress; he is smarter than you.

6.     The past is the past; always focus on the future and muster your strength and resolve.

7.     You don't have to worry about your loss; instead, try to figure out why it happened and find a solution.

8.     Face all situations with confidence.

9.     Continue to worship and believe in God.

10. Always hope for the best.

11. Always keep a positive approach.

12. Plan a way to deal with a bad scenario before taking any action.

13. Should not live only for money.

14. Help the poor people.

15. Pay the sick people a visit and provide them encouragement.

16. Take a deep breath and relax whenever you are feeling stressed.

17. Countdown from 100 to 1 if you are tense.

18. Look at the lovely photo that is displayed on the wall if you are feeling stressed.

19. Look at the flowers that are in the room.

20. Practice breathing exercises regularly.

21. Keep little time for yoga and meditation.

22. Aromatherapy is good for relaxing the mind.

23. Give an old friend a surprise call if you're feeling tense.

24. When you are feeling anxious, consider those who are dealing with more severe issues.

25. Stay in close communication with your family and let them know about the issues.

26. Take the family on enjoyable outings.

27. Avoid a sedentary life, always mingle with others.

28. Always approach others with a smile.

29. You can relax by sharing jokes and laughing with others.

30. Visit a close friend or family member when you're feeling stressed.

31. Talk to your close friend about any stressful situations that may arise.

32. Join your children in their plays and spend some time with them.

33. If you have the time, engage in a constructive conversation on any fascinating subject.

34. Always be courteous when interacting with others.

35. To minimize opponents, every effort should be made.

36. Keep a regular routine for your activities.

37. Never postpone the work.

38. Getting a good night's sleep is crucial for calming your body and mind.

39. Always prefer a room with fresh air.

40. Getup early in the morning.

41. Take a relaxing bath with your preferred shampoo as soon as you wake up.

42. Make use of your favorite room fresheners and perfumes.

43. Have a relaxing body massage.

44. Personal hygiene should be maintained.

45. You should talk to your doctor about your health issues and do as he directs.

46. Develop the habit of keeping your house and surroundings tidy.

47. Keep sexual relations with only one partner.

48. Morning and evening walks are good to relax.

49. While afternoon slumber is beneficial, it shouldn't be accompanied with snoring.

50. Take your close pal to the movies and enjoy some nice music.

51. Reading interesting books can reduce tension.

52. Gardening is a useful method to relax.

53. Spend little time with pet animals.

54. Engage in some games.

55. You should schedule time for your activities.

56. Write some actual content, such as stories, poetry, and essays, whenever you have time.

57. Keep a regular timing for food.

58. Take plenty of fruits and vegetables.

59. Make your favorite dish and share it with your loved ones.

60. Eating at restaurants can make you feel happier. 

61. Excess of drinking and smoking should be avoided.